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Archives des nouvelles » Get involved in the Stockholm Convention global art contest for children and youth!

Get involved in the Stockholm Convention global art contest for children and youth!

14 décembre 2011

In the framework of the celebration of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants 10th Anniversary, the Secretariat is organizing a global art contest for children and youth.

The theme for the competition is "Stockholm at 10: Chemical Challenges, Sustainable Solutions" and what it means to young people around the world. For example, in their entries, children and youth may explore the many ways persistent organic pollutants (POPs) affect the life of the planet; enter people’s bodies, and change ecosystems, the reasons why the planet's "chemical temperature" is rising, and how people can protect themselves and nature from these harmful substances.

The contest is open to three possible art media categories (drawing, photography and short videos) and there are also three age categories (5-10 years old; 11-15 years old; and 16-20 years old). Entries will be received by the Stockholm Convention Secretariat between 1 January and 16 March 2012.

National entries must be submitted through the Official Contact Point (OCP) and each country can submit a maximum number of 27 entries (9 for each category of art media, in which 3 per age category).

There will be 27 final winners: 9 winners per art media category (3 winners for each age category) and the winners’ entries will be displayed at the Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil on 20 - 22 June 2012 and in the Stockholm Convention Regional Centres across the world. An exhibition will also take place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Finally, the entries will feature on a dedicated webpage of the Stockholm Convention Secretariat’s website.

More information (rules, guidelines and registration form): www.pops.int


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