Green banking was at the centre of the regional capacity building training organized in Barcelona (Spain) on 22nd and 23rd November 2011 within the framework of the Horizon 2020 CB/MEP program in conjunction with the 5th Mediterranean Green Economy Forum (ECO MEDA GREEN FORUM 2011).
The objective of the two-day seminar was to promote environmental integration and mainstreaming into all economic sectors by strengthening the capacities of banks and financial institutions in the region to promote and apply green banking.
The training was attended by 44 professionals from all over the Mediterranean, including relevant Mediterranean policy decision makers and officials, commercial, retail and investment banks, financial institutions, and professionals from the industry sector, members of business organizations and NGOs and entrepreneurs.
During the training, the participants had the opportunity to understand the concept of green banking, which involves pursuing financial and business practices that are not hazardous to the environment. The attendants were introduced to the broad objectives of green banking that are to use resources with responsibility, preventing the generation of waste, while giving priority to environment and society; and how the banking sector could play a vital role in encouraging other industries to go green through promoting eco-friendly financing schemes and incentives to those that promote environmental practices.
The course was organized by UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC).
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