The Coast Day was launched in 2007 to increase environmental awareness among policy makers, academia, media, NGOs and the locals of the importance of the Mediterranean coast as a natural, cultural and economic resource, and the risks it currently faces.
This year’s regional celebration will be organised in Barcelona, Spain, and its focus will be on the “Blue Economy”, especially on the sustainability of key economic sectors supported by the Mediterranean coastal ecosystem such as fisheries, tourism, renewable energy and marine transport.
The first part of the event is dedicated to presentations around the concept of sustainable blue economy as well as discussion on good examples and best practices, while the second part provides more entertaining activities aimed at a wider audience.
International and Spanish experts will introduce the subject, present a study prepared by the Plan Bleu, as well as some concrete examples of blue economy social and eco innovations. Two Switchers namely LivinGreen and AGIR have been selected and will showcase their experience during the event.
Invited participants include Mediterranean governmental representatives, UNEP/MAP representatives, distinguished foreign guests, and representatives of international organisations in Spain and Catalunya, as well as local authorities, NGOs and local associations.
Download the agenda here
Please register by sending an email to and For further information, please contact Mr. Neven Stipica by phone +385 21 340 479 or at
Co-sponsored by the MAVA Foundation within a project that three UNEP/MAP Components (PAP/RAC, Plan Bleu and SCP/RAC) implement together, the event will take place on 27 September 2016, from 09:00-15:00 at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.
We will also host a selection of local and international organizations active in the field of Blue Economy to take part of the exhibition during the second day. NGOs, research centers, businesses, etc. are invited to participe. Please look at the requirements here.