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Archives des nouvelles » Regional Training on Green Jobs in Athens

Regional Training on Green Jobs in Athens

18 mai 2012

From 3rd to 5th April 2012, Athens hosted the training “Boosting the creation of Green Jobs to reduce sources of pollution in the Mediterranean”, organized under the framework of the Project Horizon 2020. The main objective of this course was to increase trainees’ understanding on how the creation of green jobs can play a crucial role to slow down the degradation of the Mediterranean environment while supporting the economy. The participants improved their skills in the development of strategies to boost the creation of green jobs in their respective countries.

The training course was been delivered with the support of ILO Green Jobs programme and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO).

The training course gathered 44 participants from public bodies and national organizations of the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Tunisia and Turkey.

During the 3 days, participants had the opportunities to exchange their own experience in the creation of green jobs and discuss about the next steps for their countries.

The training course specially focused on the creation of green jobs in the following sectors: waste management and recycling, sustainable construction and energy supply alternatives.

All the training materiel can be downloaded using the following link:



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