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Archives des nouvelles » Roundtable on multi-faceted management of the coastal area

Roundtable on multi-faceted management of the coastal area

22 mai 2013 | Updated: 6 juin 2013

CP/RAC participated at roundtable on multi-faceted management of the coastal zone management at the Arab-Mediterranean Regional Conference on Coastal Environmental Resources Management and Monitoring on May 15th and 16th, 2013, in Beirut.

The Arab-Mediterranean Regional Conference on Coastal Environmental Resources Management and Monitoring was the closing event of a project entitled Environmental Resources Monitoring in Lebanon, managed by UNEP and the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon, with the cooperation of UNDP-Lebanon and funded by the Hellenic Aid.

The project consists of the development of a monitoring system for the coastal zone in Lebanon based on ecosystem approach, policy reforms in ICZM and land use and development and procurement of air pollution monitoring system.

In its roundtable intervention, CP/RAC drew the links between the ICZM and the green economy approaches, underlining that both approaches are complementary, with regard to sustainability in coastal areas.


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