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Archives des nouvelles » SCP/RAC is seeking an international expert for regional policy measures

SCP/RAC is seeking an international expert for regional policy measures

2 avril 2020

SCP/RAC is seeking an international expert with knowledge of the EU policy, institutional and legal framework to assist with the formulation of recommendations on regional policy measures to support the development of green and circular economy businesses and to strengthen the demand for more sustainable products in the Mediterranean.

Description of post: In the context of the EU-funded SwitchMed Programme, SCP/RAC is leading a consultative process to formulate regional policy measures to support green and circular economy businesses in the Mediterranean, and to strengthen the demand for more sustainable products. In preparation for the launch of this process, SCP/RAC will recruit an international expert to assist in the identification of global best practices for policy measures that support green and circular economy businesses, to assess the enabling environment for these businesses in the EU Mediterranean countries, and to make recommendations on policy measures for these countries, amongst other tasks. Although this is a home-based assignment, the expert will also support SCP/RAC at two stakeholder consultations in November 2020, in Italy and Spain.

Complete details for the assignment are provided in the terms of reference.

Deadline: Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their proposals no later than 17 April 2020.


Terms of reference (with all annexes)

Annex 2 – Proposal template

Annex 3 – Applicant’s bank details


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)