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Archives des nouvelles » SCP/RAC just signed a promising agreement with Albania to tackle marine litter sources in the Karaburun-Sazan MPA

SCP/RAC just signed a promising agreement with Albania to tackle marine litter sources in the Karaburun-Sazan MPA

25 juin 2019

An encouraging agreement had just been signed between SCP/RAC and the Regional Administration of Protected Areas in Vlora (RAPA) on the development of an action plan and the implementation of a measure to tackle marine litter sources in Karaburun-Sazan National Marine Park.

This agreement is made within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between UN Environment/MAP and IMELS (Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea) signed in September 2016 and under which SCP/RAC develops a series of activities, some of which relates to the prevention of Marine Litter and in particular food and beverage packaging.

SCP/RAC, together with RAPA, will identify the best measure to prevent marine litter in Karaburun-Sazan MPA and will work on its successful implementation before the end of this year.  

Based on the previous project developed in the area, 3 possible measures have been identified:

  • Plastic waste collection and disposal system at beach areas (beach bars)
  • Collection and disposal of Marine Litter (fishing for litter scheme with artisanal fisherman)
  • Deposit-refund system scheme for Aquaculture waste


This activity will build on the methodology developed during the Interreg Med funded ACT4LITTER project, finalized in October 2018 and led by SCP/RAC.

The ACT4LITTER project facilitated efforts for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean MPAs through the development of effective and targeted measures towards reaching their conservation objectives via an ecosystem-based approach.

The SCP/RAC’s team is looking forward to starting the collaboration and undertaking actions in the MPA!

More Marine Litter prevention and mitigation measures will be implemented in Mediterranean MPAs by SCP/RAC through the Interreg Med funded Plastic Busters MPAs project. Stay tuned!


More information about:

Karaburun-Sazan Marine National Park is Albania's first and currently the only marine protected area, proclaimed in April 2010.  With more than 36 marine species of international interest and the presence of charismatic species such as the sea turtles, dolphins and Mediterranean monk seals on its coast, this MPA is biologically rich. The underwater landscapes have extraordinary qualities, with rocks, underwater caves, rich in rare and important species of fauna and flora and moreover with significant archaeological ruins. This park, with an area of around 120 kilometer square, is very well known for its important marine habitats such as: Posidonia Meadows, Coralligenous communities, Cystoseira communities etc. 


The Regional Administration of Protected Areas in Vlora (RAPA Vlore) ,is the regional institution representing the National Agency of Protected Areas in Albania (NAPA), established in 2015. NAPA/RAPA-s represent the management authority of the Albanian Protected Area Network. They are directly responsible for the management, protection, development and expansion of the protected areas. In Vlora region RAPA Vlore is responsible of the management of Karaburun Sazan MPA as well as 5 other protected areas.  

Let's interact: 

Follow the Regional Administration of Protected Areas in Vlora:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/.adzm_vlore


Website Karaburun-Sazan MPA : http://www.karaburunsazanmpa.com


More about the ACT4LITTER project: 

Act4litter project:  https://act4litter.interreg-med.eu

More about the Plastic Busters MPAs project: 

Plastic Busters MPAs project: https://plasticbustersmpas.interreg-med.eu 


©Copyright Photos: @C.Amico for UNDP MCPA Project


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