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Archives des nouvelles » Towards COP22: SCP/RAC National Focal Points meet online from June 1 to 3

Towards COP22: SCP/RAC National Focal Points meet online from June 1 to 3

1 juin 2021

SCP/RAC is bringing together its National Focal Points for their 13th meeting, held online from June 1 to 3. A great occasion for the SCP/RAC team to present the past and future activities of the centre and to review on SCP/RAC ‘s activities in compliance with the Programme of Work 2020-2021 adopted at COP21.

The objective of the reunion is to discuss and approve the SCP/RAC’s proposals for action in the next biennium 2022-2023, aligned with the new UNEP/MAP Mid-term Strategy 2022-2027 under preparation, prior to its submission to the Meeting of the Focal Points of the Mediterranean Action Plan (September 2021) and to the 22st Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (7-10 December 2021) for adoption.

The meeting is part of a week marked by key regional events and international days, as we’re entering the EU Green Week (31st May – 4 June) dedicated to the “zero pollution ambition” and as we will take a moment on the 5th of June to celebrate the World Environment Day under the slogan "Reimagine, Recreate, Restore" and focusing on ecosystem restauration.

Two themes under which SCP/RAC is championing with a cross-cutting and multi-stakeholders strategy aiming for a better transition to circular, toxic-free, non-polluting and more sustainable economies; and acting for a healthier Mediterranean.

The 3-days meeting will particularly focus on the following points:

-        To present and discuss the findings of the Mid-term evaluation of the SCP Regional Action Plan and the revised list of SCP indicators to measure the progress on SCP in the Region.

-        To review the consolidated proposal of the Set of Regional Measures to Support the Development of Green and Circular Businesses and to Strengthen the Demand for more Sustainable Products.

-        To review the Guidelines on Tackling single-use plastic products in the Mediterranean.

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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)