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Archives des nouvelles » Toxic additives in plastics, fresh new content for a master's module and webinar series: SCP/RAC is looking for two experts to help make ‘InPlastics’ a success!

Toxic additives in plastics, fresh new content for a master's module and webinar series: SCP/RAC is looking for two experts to help make ‘InPlastics’ a success!

12 janvier 2022

The reuse and recycling of plastics following circular economy principles have been promoted to address marine plastic pollution, however only a small percentage of plastic waste can be effectively recycled in a ‘closed loop’ as many contain toxic chemical additives, which can pose a threat to human health and the environment. The impacts of toxic additives on the life cycle management of plastics have just recently been understood yet they constitute the invisible part of the plastic pollution issues and therefore communication on this issue is more challenging. 

To solve this issue, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) has has envisaged the ‘InPlastics’ project - a set of educational and communications tools on plastic’s toxic additives that will lay out the intricacies of this issue in a clear manner and the ways in which different target groups can be an active part of the solution in the Mediterranean region.

To this end, SCP/RAC is seeking two homebased consultants:

  1. A Scientific Committee Lead with knowledge of chemicals and plastics management to lead a team of experts and contribute to developing the educational and communications material to raise awareness and build capacity on toxic additives in plastics via a master's module and a webinar series.
  2. A Communications consultant to design and lead the communications campaign accompanying the projects developments and maximize the dissemination of its outputs and achievements

The selected experts will support SCP/RAC to provide up to date content to young professionals for them to act when moving forward in their professional life and assist in the delivery of two online webinars addressed to policymakers for them to be able to design and enact better regulations, to consumers for them to make informed decisions when purchasing plastic items, and to businesses for them to increase transparency and operate to reduce the use of toxic constituents in plastics and switch to safer alternatives.

This consultancy takes place in the framework of the “Small Grants Programme” funded by the BRS-NORAD-2 project aiming to assist partner countries of the Basel Convention to improve their management of plastic waste and ultimately contribute to Sustainable Development Goal target 14.1.

The duration of this first consultancy is estimated until July 2022.

Read the whole description of the activities and learn more about this project in the terms of reference here

  1. The official form to be submitted for Scientific Committee Lead position can be downloaded here.Offers must be sent to kdemiguel@scprac.org  with copy to moutters@scprac.org  with the subject ‘Steering Committee lead - INPLASTICS’ before January 21st midnight (CET).
  2. The official forms to be submitted for Communications expert position can be downloaded here. Offers must be sent to kdemiguel@scprac.org  with copy to moutters@scprac.org  with the subject o ‘Comms expert - INPLASTICS’  before January 27th midnight (CET).


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