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Archives des nouvelles » CP/RAC launches the “Green Shots Award”, an international contest for the generation of new ideas on sustainable consumption

CP/RAC launches the “Green Shots Award”, an international contest for the generation of new ideas on sustainable consumption

10 juin 2010 | Updated: 9 septembre 2010

In order to stimulate a broader dialogue on the issue of sustainable lifestyles, CP/RAC has launched a contest for the creation of green short stories. The ten best stories will be turned into animated videos and worldwide distributed, while the author of the best proposal will be awarded with a trip to the next Earth Summit Rio+20 in 2012.

Today CP/RAC (Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production) launches the Green Shots Award, a new initiative to stimulate the creation and promotion of bottom-up innovative ideas on sustainable consumption in the Mediterranean Region. The Green Shots Award is open to everyone.

Participants should write their idea on sustainable consumption in a short story format (350 to 500 words), and submit it to greenshotsaward@cprac.org by July 31st, 2010. A jury of environmental experts will select the ten best stories. The winning ideas will be turned into animated videos and the author of the overall best idea will be awarded with a trip to the next Earth Summit Rio+20 in 2012.

The main goal of the Green Shots Award is to extend the discussion on sustainable consumption by involving a broader audience in the generation of creative ideas on how small changes to our lifestyles can greatly contribute to preserve the environment.

Ms. Virginia Alzina, Ph.D., Director of CP/RAC, said: “We all have a role to play in preserving our planet. Coming up with innovative ideas for more sustainable lifestyles is not only the job of specialists: everyone should contribute. The Green Shots Award will help channel people’s creativity and bring their voice to Rio+20 Summit”.

Public awareness of environmental issues has undoubtedly increased over the last years. However, only a restricted number of specialist organisations has insofar focused on coming up with potential solutions. “Lack of awareness and domain-knowledge outside of a restricted circle of full-time environmentalists has prevented a broader participation to the debate on sustainability”, continues Dr. Alzina. “Today’s social networking technology and communication tools, of which Green Shots is a good example, allow us to bridge this gap”.

The winners of the Green Shots Award will be announced at the ECOMEDA Green Forum in Barcelona in November 2010. The ten animated videos (or “green shots”) based on the best ideas will be displayed at the forum before being distributed worldwide. More information on the Green Shots Award and its terms and conditions can be found on www.greenshotsaward.org

The name Green Shots echoes the expression “green shoots”, which was widely used to indicate the first positive signals of recovery from the recent economic crisis. It suggests that the green economy will be one of the leading forces behind the global economic recovery.


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