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Archives des nouvelles » Egypt Green Days will take place on November in the American University in Cairo

Egypt Green Days will take place on November in the American University in Cairo

20 octobre 2011 | Updated: 8 novembre 2011

The Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) organizes the “Egypt Green Days – Empowering Changemakers” on the 15th, 16th and 17th of November 2011 in the New Campus of the American University in Cairo.

The Egypt Green Days will be composed by three workshops to provide participants with information, tips, tools and ideas for creating green businesses, organizing sustainable events and fighting against dangerous chemical substances.

The “Sustainable Events” workshop will take place on the 15th of November. The aim of the course is to give events organizers, both from public and private sectors, knowledge, tips and tools to organize events in a more environmentally-friendly way. The workshop will combine theoretical and practical contents and is prepared for events and meetings organizers, both from public institutions and private enterprises.

Also on the 15th of November the American University will host the workshop “POPs in our Life”, that will give students and young people basic information about some toxic chemicals that are present in our day life. Participants will be shown where these chemicals are, how they can affect our health and environment and with which solutions we count in order to minimize their presence in our environment. The workshop is opened to all university students, NGOs, and other interested participants.

On the 16th and 17th of November it will take place the “Green Entrepreneurship & Eco-design” workshop. The aim of the activity is to introduce Egyptian entrepreneurs on green entrepreneurship through a variety of tools and applied technical methodologies from the green economy initiatives and program, eco-design, ethical financial institutions and by success stories of existing green entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean region. There will be also a practical session where participants will learn how to prepare a green business plan with eco-design methodologies.

Egypt Green Days is a CP/RAC initiative with the support from CEDARE and the American University in Cairo.

"Sustainable Events" Workshop: the maximum number of participants is 25 and registration is required (registration form)
"POPs in Our Life" Workshop: opened to all students
"Green Entrepreneurship & Eco-design" Workshop: the maximum number of participants is 25 and registration is required (registration form)

Download the agenda of "Egypt Green Days" in the .pdf archive below.


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