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Workshop to prepare a draft Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants in Morocco

The Department of the Environment in cooperation with AMAP and CPRAC organize a workshop in Rabat on 13-15 March 2012 to develop the elements of a monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Morocco as part of the Global Monitoring Plan prepared by the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Presentations by scientists experienced in the measurement of concentrations of POPs in the atmosphere and humans will be followed by working groups to develop a simple monitoring program that can last over time.

Registration for assistance is restricted due to limited capacity of the room and resources available. For more information please contact: vvidal.tecnic@cprac.org

With regard to the relevant documentation for this meeting several  main sources can be identified, firstly the Stockholm Convention (www.pops.int) which maintains extensive archives of technical and scientific knowledge on  POPs  and in particular the GMP documents. The GMP is developing a technical guidance document (draft revised guidance on the Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants)This document describes in detail the principles, methods and substances considered by the GMP and provide the basis for discussion of the monitoring plan.



A french translation of the 2007 version of the GMP guidance document is available at


 The WHO in cooperation with UNEP Chemicals and GEF have carried out several global surveys of human breast milk , the next round will be in 2013-2015 and this meeting could help pave the way for a participation by Morocco in this round.

The french version of the WHO protocol for POPs in human milk can be found at: 


The database mantained by UNEP Chemicals of laboratories working on POPs and participating in intercalibration rounds can be found at :


The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) (www.amap.no) has been working intensely for 30 years monitoring POPs in the environment and people and therefore has a large technical experience and solid scientific information. Regarding the measurement of concentrations of POPs in the air a very good review is available at


Concerning POPs in humans see:


 And finally the work undertaken as part of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution HTAP (www.htap.org) and in particular the document of 2010

 http://www.htap.org/activities/2010_Final_Report/HTAP 20Part% 20C% 202010% 20110408.pdf

 presents a good summary of the best available information on a global scale POPs in the atmosphere.


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