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News Archive » A BAT4MED research paper published on Environmental Economics

A BAT4MED research paper published on Environmental Economics

28th January 2013 | Updated: 28th February 2013

The Bat4MED team published in the December 2012 issue of the online magazine Environmental Economics a paper for scientific divulgation.

The paper, co-authored by SSSUP, VITO and IAT, as project partners, was titled "A method to implement BAT (Best Available Techniques) in South Mediterranean Countries: the experience of BAT4MED project" and described the methodology to introduce BATs in two key industrial sectors selected in the south Mediterranean countries participating to the project (Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia) as well as the results achieved, applying the methodology.

This first BAT4MED publication constitutes a great opportunity of dissemination for the project activity and results among a scientific community.


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