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News Archive » Act4litter shortlists more than 100 measures to curb marine litter

Act4litter shortlists more than 100 measures to curb marine litter

3rd December 2018 | Updated: 15th January 2019


We all have seen in the media recently the shocking images of whales washed up dead on the coast of Indonesia or Spain with their stomachs found to be filled with plastic waste. Plastic pollution is undoubtedly a big threat for our seas, with severe impacts on a large number of marine species

ACT4LITTER sought to offer concrete solutions to prevent and mitigate the impacts of marine litter and in particular plastics, and in this respect it elaborated a comprehensive list of showcases of applied measures. Special emphasis was placed to measures that can be implemented by managers in Mediterranean Protected Areas, which sadly are at the forefront of the devastating effects of marine litter.

During some 20 months of close collaboration with MPAs managers and marine litter experts, ACT4LITTER identified a list of one hundred showcases of marine litter measures, with a particular focus on prevention ones. Working for and from the perspective of an MPA manager, ACT4LITTER  classified the measures in three broad categories considering the different role the MPA managers can play in their implementation, namely implementer, facilitator and promoter). All identified measures were grouped into 25 classes and they were fully mapped in order to provide valuable information with regards to their operationalization on the ground.

The selected measures fed into the ACT4LITTER decision making tool which helps MPA managers to identify the most effective measures for their specific context. The decision making tool has helped MPA managers to define priority marine litter measures that were subsequently included in 9 MPA-specific actions plans and a joint plan which aims to assist other MPA managers in the region to achieve their conservation goals.

You can have access to this information by downloading the list of measures here. 

ARC- SCP/RAC is the lead partner of the Interreg Med project ACT4LITTER



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