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News Archive » Bat sector reports available on BAT4MED website

Bat sector reports available on BAT4MED website

2nd May 2013 | Updated: 27th May 2013

The BAT sector reports, one of the main outputs of the BAT4MED project, are now available on the project website, section publications.

These studies, done for the textile and the dairy sectors in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt, summarise the BAT4MED experience in trying to identify candidate BATs in the MPCs.

The BAT selection in these reports was based on plant visits, a literature survey, a technical and socio-economic study, cost calculations, and discussions with industry experts and authorities. The formal consultation was organised by means of an advisory committee (Technical Working Group, TWG).

The Technical Working Group members were selected among experts in the textile and dairy fields belonging to universities, companies, and public administrations, as well as consultants and independent experts.

The Bat sector reports will be presented to the national stakeholders during the round of closing events that will begin in Cairo, Egypt on May 21st.


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