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News Archive » Catalonia Eco-design Catalogue

Catalonia Eco-design Catalogue

15th September 2016

A collection of more than 70 cases of sustainable products and services that are designed, produced and/or offered in Catalonia.

Catalonia Eco-design Catalogue is a collection of more than 70 cases of sustainable products and services that are designed, produced and/or offered in Catalonia.
Companies and professionals listed in this Catalogue implement different environmental tools to improve their products and services, such as environmental management systems, ecolabels, Life Cycle Assessment or eco-design.

The Ecodesign Catalogue is a living document that will be updated regularly to add new items and experiences.

All these examples show the desire for innovation by Catalan Business towards the goal of circular economy. Some product will surprise you with their originality and efficiency, have a look! http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ecodissenycataleg



Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)