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News Archive » CP/RAC supports university-enterprise cooperation towards a more sustainable entrepreneurship

CP/RAC supports university-enterprise cooperation towards a more sustainable entrepreneurship

28th November 2013 | Updated: 4th December 2013

In the framework of the 7th Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, the seminar on “University and Enterprise cooperation” focusing on the synergies between enterprising and education forces in the EU and Southern Mediterranean countries took place in the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Barcelona, Spain) on Wednesday 20th November.

The aim of this seminar was to offer a special platform for the exchange of views and experiences, addressing critical issues like good governance, youth employment, development of SMEs, city management values, human resources skills and the challenges of the university/enterprises cooperation, by sharing best practices, proposing concrete projects and creating new business opportunities.

The round-table  “Best practices and new strategies of University-Enterprise cooperation”, held during the half day conference, saw the participation of UNIMED Executive Director, Dr. Marcello Scalisi, prof. Nacer Bezzi, Vice-Rector for international relations of Béjaia University of Algeria, prof. Najia Komiha from University Muhammad V-Agdal of Rabat and prof. Ramon Torrent of University of Barcelona. Francesca Culcasi, from the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC), spoke on green entrepreneurship in Mediterranean countries and on the need to insert subjects on green entrepreneurship in Mediterranean universities in order to boost the green entrepreneurial spirit among students.

The Chambers of Commerce of Marseille, Catalunya, Tanger and Izmir debated with the university representatives and other speakers on the need to create synergy between enterprising forces and educating forces in order that cooperation between tertiary education and its enterprising environment could be mutually beneficial.

The seminar was organized by UNIMED in collaboration with the Association of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean (ASCAME) and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)