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News Archive » SCP/RAC is seeking an expert in M&E and data analysis

SCP/RAC is seeking an expert in M&E and data analysis

3rd August 2020

SCP/RAC is seeking an expert in M&E and data analysis to support its review of the current suite of SCP indicators used to measure progress on the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Mediterranean (2016 – 2027) of the Barcelona Convention/Mediterranean Action Plan.

Within the framework of the EU-funded SwitchMed initiative, the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is seeking an M&E expert/data analyst with experience in the evaluation of indicators, preparation of M&E frameworks, data collection and conceptual design of infographics to undertake a set of related tasks focused on the SCP indicators used to measure progress on the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Mediterranean (2016 – 2027). The Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Mediterranean was adopted in Athens in February 2016, during the 19th meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP19). It has thus become the first treaty in the Mediterranean basin to focus its efforts on the need to turn toward a more sustainable economy based on a circular economy, a more environmentally-friendly consumption, and greener production methods. During the COP 21, held in December 2019, the Contracting Parties requested the Secretariat of the UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention to undertake an indicator based mid-term evaluation of the SCP Action Plan and to integrate the list of SCP indicators within the Mediterranean Sustainability Dashboard.  SCP/RAC needs the support of an expert to support the implementation of those COP Decisions.

More information on monitoring progress on the action plan can be found at: https://switchmed.eu/policy/monitoring-progress-on-the-regional-action-plan-on-scp-in-the-mediterranean/.


The expert will be responsible for (1) analysing the current suite of SCP indicators and recommending actions to improve their effectiveness in measuring progress towards the strategic and operational objectives of the SCP Regional Action Plan; (2) automating the collection of official and publicly available data for the measurement of the SCP indicators and populating the database of these indicators for years 2016 - 2019; (3) preparing fact sheets for the 25 SCP indicators; and (4) providing recommendations on the potential synergies between the SCP indicators and the SwitchMed Green Entrepreneurs Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment and Learning (MEAL) system.

The duration of this home-based consultancy is estimated at eight months.

Complete details for the assignment are provided in the terms of reference.

Deadline: Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their proposals no later than midnight CEST on 11 September.



Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)