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News Archive » SWITCH-Med shines at the first Steering Committee Meeting

SWITCH-Med shines at the first Steering Committee Meeting

13th June 2014 | Updated: 25th July 2014

The first Steering Committee Meeting of the EC funded SWITCH-Med Programme was held in Brussels on June 4-5 to present the programme of work for the three components: Policy, Demonstration and Networking Facility. The meeting was organised by the program partners UNEP/MAP, UNEP/DTIE, UNIDO and SCP/RAC.

Involving the SWITCH-Med national focal points is crucial in order to achieve the programme objectives and goals, according to this the meeting had two specific objectives: 1) to learn about the countries´ understanding on SCP as well as the national priority sectors and their expectations for SWITCH-Med; and 2) to get to know the demand from the 9 beneficiary countries on the national activities and support required in the area of sustainable consumption and production and related fields.

The two-days meeting, was attended by 53 selected delegates from the Southern Mediterranean countries and international organisations including the Global Footprint Network, Plan Bleu, SWITCH-Asia Network Facility, the Union for the Mediterranean, Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and European Investment Bank (EIB).

During the first day, the policy component was the main topic of discussion. As the policy component has been up and running for a year and a half, Steering Commitee members were properly informed on the latest developments. Moreover, each of the countries presented the state of the art of their national policies and the main sectors in which there is an urgent need to act and implement pilot projects. Mrs Magali Outters, team leader Policy Component SWITCH-Med at SCP/RAC presented the SCP Toolkit for Policy Makers saying that “it is one of the main key outputs of the Policy Component”.

During the second day, the demonstration component and the networking facility component were presented to the members, including the presentation of the newly launched web platform www.switchmed.eu and also the Action Network.

In parallel, SWITCH-Med through the SCP/RAC team had a stand at the Europe's largest environment conference - Green Week - held from 3 to 5 June in Brussels, under the banner “Circular economy – saving resources, creating jobs”.

For more information: www.switchmed.eu


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