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News Archive » The CP/RAC organized an Ecodesign course at Malta University

The CP/RAC organized an Ecodesign course at Malta University

31st October 2011 | Updated: 7th December 2011
Ecodesign course in Malta University

A 5-day course in Ecodesign was held from 24th to 28th of October 2011 at University of Malta Valletta Campus. The course, organised by the UNEP / MAP Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) and the Cleaner Technology Centre of the University of Malta, was designed by academics of the Research Centre of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Two academics from the UAB, Prof. Jordi Oliver and Prof. Ramon Farreny, conducted the course. The Institute for Sustainable Development provided secretarial support. The course was limited to 20 participants to ensure interactive participation. The participants were graduates and senior students from the University of Malta Faculties of the Built Environment, Engineering, Institute for Sustainable Development, and from private manufacturing industry. The morning sessions discussed topics such as environmental state of the world and introduction to ecodesign, ecodesign methodology, environmental assessment tools, ecodesign case studies and eco innovation in services. The afternoon sessions consisted of workshops and practical exercises. The participants were divided into small groups and given an assignment to design a device on a particular topic. The course was concluded with the presentation of results and the awarding of certificates.

The participants showed satisfaction and enthusiasm for the contents of the course and they also requested the organizers to prepare another activity on the Ecodesign field in the near future.

Ecodesign is the consideration of environmental criteria in the development of a  product, system or service without ignoring key aspects of design and functionality, aesthetics, ergonomics, manufacturing, cost, safety, etc. The goal of Ecodesign is to reduce the environmental impacts that occur throughout the product life cycle.



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