The 13th Meeting of the Mediterranean Comission for Sustainable Development (MCSD) was held in Cairo (Egypt) from the 28th to the 30th of September. The meeting counted with the participation of representatives of all mediterranean countries as well as other institutions and components of UNEP/MAP and it analyzed the progress reached within the Department’s Report, the activities for sustainable development and new emerging subject matters. The experiences and strategies of adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean were also considered.
The participants were divided in 3 separate work groups, which discussed questions such as the main threats of the region, political indicator needs, the experience of the countries in adaptation strategies and their costs or the type of contribution of the civil society and the private sector. The groups had another meeting, this time with the objective to decide the need of a regional strategy framework in the MSSD and the access of the countries to funds of adaptation to climate change, among others. The conclusions of the three groups were presented in plenary session.
In addition, the meeting implemented the debate on the subject program of the MCSD for the two-year period 2010-2011 and to establish the basis for the next meeting, which will be held in Montenegro.
Among the results of the meeting, the proposal made by the MCSD to the Declaration of Marrakech is highlighted, with the title “Transforming the Mediterranean into a model region in the struggle against Climate Change”, as well as the advice of the work groups on sustainable tourism and agriculture.
Prominence of the CP/RAC
From the separate sessions held in accordance with the schedule, the fourth one focused on the mechanisms for the voluntary mitigation in different economic sectors. The CP/RAC took care of revitilizing this session with the presentation of some of the main alternatives of mitigation to climate change which have been compiled in the study made recently by the center, under “Climate change, adaptation and mitigation – experiences and strategies in the Mediterranean”. This study is based in the inclusion of climate change mitigation measures in raising awareness of companies again, carried out by the GRECO Initiative of green competitiviness. Such measures are outlined in order to show companies their possibilites of voluntary action to fight against climate change in the Mediterranean framework.
After the presentation, the participants made a SWAT analysis, analizing the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities of mitigation of climate change from the Meditarrenean industry sector.