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News Archive » CP/ RAC and TÜSIAD organized a National Forum to promote the implementation of the GRECO Inititiative in Turkey

CP/ RAC and TÜSIAD organized a National Forum to promote the implementation of the GRECO Inititiative in Turkey

18th November 2009 | Updated: 13th January 2010

The FORUM analyses experiences of green competitiveness as an opportunity to improve profitability of the companies in Turkey obtaining environmental benefits. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, the CP/RAC, Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production and TÜSIAD have signed an Understanding Memorandum to promote the implementation of Cleaner Production techniques and practices among the companies of the country and further disseminate GRECO INITIATIVE. Different experts share their experience on approximation of IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) and propose further steps for approximation of IPPC in Turkey.

The National Forum Best Available Techniques and Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control: Mechanisms to enhance the Green Competitiveness in Turkey, held in October, the 21rst, has analyzed the advantages and opportunities offered by the adoption of Green Competitiveness by industries and, the application of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) in the Turkish National systems of industrial pollution control.


The Forum has been organized by the regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/ RAC), and the Turkish Industrialist’s and Businessmen’s Association (TÜSIAD) with the support and collaboration of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey. Members of the Ministries of Environment and environmental inspectorate agencies from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland and the Czech Republic have also participated. The Forum has been an opportunity to exchange experience on approximation of IPPC Directive, provide lessons learned from EU countries and new Member States, as well as to supply with recommendations on further steps for approximation of IPPC Directive in Turkey.

Introduction of the Report “Green Competitiveness in the Mediterranean”

Mrs. Luisa Garcia Valdecasas have introduced GRECO INITIATIVE and the report “GREEN COMPETITIVENESS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN” based on the analysis of 100 successful cases of green profitability and demonstrating that investing in environment is a way of increase profitability while obtaining environmental benefits.

Dr. Aydin YLDIRIM. Deputy General Director of the General Directorate of Environmental Management on behalf of Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, a representative of the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner production (CP/ RAC) and Mr Musa Galip Eroglu, Chairman of TÜSAID, Environmental Working Group have signed the Understanding Memorandum, the objective of this signature is to promote the implementation of Cleaner Production techniques and practices among the companies of the country and to disseminate the business opportunities of GRECO INITIATIVE.
TÜSIAD, Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessman’s Association is an association composed of owners and managers of individual firms, groups of companies and holding companies operating in the Turkish market. TUSIAD is also a member of Confederation of European Business (BUSINESSEUROPE).


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