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News Archive » Greco Capacity Building in Lebanon

Greco Capacity Building in Lebanon

15th September 2010 | Updated: 14th December 2010

After the launch of GRECO INITIATIVE in Lebanon with the GRECO Forum, hold in January 2010, the CP/RAC moves forward with the GRECO strategy implementation in the country. The next step consists on a Capacity Building journey that will take place the 23rd of September in Beirut.

The objective of the Capacity Building is training a team of experts and building their capacity on MOED (Minimization Opportunities Environmental Diagnosis) and Working Group methodologies. Those experts will help the CP/RAC to further implement the auditory among businesses.

The learning course on the methodology of the Minimisation Opportunities Environmental Diagnosis (MOED) was elaborated with the purpose of facilitating its learning to experts and technical staff of companies and administrations with responsibilities in environmental management. This course has a structure that binds to theoretical aspects and practical cases. It begins with a basic concepts revision based on Cleaner Production, followed by the methodology of the MOED. It has a sequential structure and it is organized so that the user can voluntarily and directly access to each one of the sections that form it and to the examples that illustrate them. It also includes practical exercises which allow the user to work in their resolution and concepts assimilation.

The Greco Initiative Capacity Building Session will also introduce other CP/RAC available tools to assist countries in the implementation of cleaner production, such as MedCleans, Autoaudit or sectorial studies, among others.


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