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News Archive » BAT4MED starts with auditor’s training

BAT4MED starts with auditor’s training

7th September 2011

Three initial trainings for auditors have been programmed in September and beginning of October. Two technical audits will be carried out after the trainings in each Mediterranean Partner Country.

The first impacts of the BAT4MED project will be seen in countries this September with the beginning of the training seminars for auditors together with the first technical audits in industries. Both activities will be carried out during 3 days (1 for training and 1 for each audit), starting in Tunisia on 19th of September, in Morocco the 23rd of September and in Egypt the 3rd of October.

The one-day training sessions will give the potential auditors information about the aims of the project, the aims of the audit and how to carry it out according to VITO’s and Santa Anna School advises. A general overview of the processes used in dairy and textile sectors will also be given together with the appropriate techniques for those specific industries.

Companies’ audits will be done in situ in one day including a visit to the facilities and collection of data and documentation. This information will be used after to reach a diagnosis that will be given after to the company.

Training sessions as well as technical audits will be done with experts from VITO and Santa Anna School. After that, capacitated auditors will be able to carry out more audits in their countries and report the further results.

More information: www.bat4med.org


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