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News Archive » RECETOX organizes the 7th Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

RECETOX organizes the 7th Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

30th March 2011 | Updated: 20th June 2011

From the 27th of June until the 2nd of July 2011 it will take place in Masaryk University Brno (Czech Republic) the 7th Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, organized by the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX).

The general topic will be the Contaminants in the environment: sources, levels, transformations and long-range transport; sampling and analytical techniques; toxic and ecotoxic effects on biota, biotests and biomonitoring; risk assessment, data analysis and modelling including GIS.

The special focus of the 7th Summer School will be climate change impacts on the presence of organic pollutants in the Arctic and their effects on human health: long-range transport of pollutants to remote environments (high mountain and Arctic); deposition and distribution processes in such environments; transformation processes in snow and ice;  influence of climate change on cycling of pollutants; bioaccumulation in biota and health effects.

The Programme is structured in lectures, workshops, laboratory exercises, computer aided seminars, a field trip to Košetice observatory of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (participating in the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, EMEP) and social events.

The Summer School is organized in two groups. Group A covers a wide range of general and special topic of environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and risk assessment as described above and Group B, organized in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention and the Czech Ministry of Environment, is an intensive training course building capacities for assessment of persistent organic compounds in the environment for the purpose of the Global Monitoring Plan.

The invited speakers are Roland Kallenborn, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Norway; Joan O. Grimalt, Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain; Kaj M. Hansen, National Environmental research Institute (NERI), Aarhus, Denmark; Gerhard Lammel, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.

The RECETOX lecturers are Ivan Holoubek, Luděk Bláha, Jana Klánová, Jakub Hofman, Zdeněk Šimek, Klára Hilscherová, Petr Klán, Pavel Čupr, Alice Dvorská, Karel Brabec, Klára Kubošová

Important dates:
Early bird registration: before 15. 5. 2011
Deadline for registration: 15. 6. 2011

- Full registration fee 10 500 CZK (i.e. €400) (covering lectures and practical exercises, background materials, field trip, accommodation, lunches).
- Early bird registration fee is 9 000 CZK (i.e. €350).
- Participants cover their travel expenses. International mobility programmes such as ERASMUS can be used – for details contact Dr. Petra Růžičková (ruzickova@recetox. muni.cz).

For students:
Summer School will be credited 4 ECTS credits for theoretical part and 4 ECTS credits for practical exercises.

More information:
RECETOX webpage: www.recetox.muni.cz/7SS


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