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Archivo de noticias » Second meetings for the TWG held in the MPCs

Second meetings for the TWG held in the MPCs

19 Abril 2012 | Actualizado: 13 Noviembre 2012

5 months after the first Technical Working Groups meetings within the framework of the BAT4MED Project, the second meetings were held on March 27th in Egypt, March 29th in Tunisia and April, 3rd in Morocco. The elaboration of the Best Available Techniques Reports –one per sector and per country- was the main subject of the meetings.

The BAT Reports are divided in 6 chapters: chapter one introduces the BAT concept; chapter 2 explains the socio-economic and environmental-legislative framework of the sector; chapter 3 is a process description; chapter 4 gathers available environmentally friendly techniques; chapter 5 is a selection of the Best Available Techniques; and, finally, chapter 6 lists recommendations from experts.

Representatives from SSSUP (responsible for the Textile TWG) and VITO (responsible for the Dairy TWG) organized, with the collaboration of all MPCs, the TWG meetings in each country. The main aims of the TWG meetings were to discuss the content on chapters 2 and 3, identify possible data gaps, decide the structure for chapter 4 and describe the methodology to assess candidate BAT to apply in chapter 5.

The BAT Report are the main outcome of the project and are envisaged to be published in 2013.


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