Welcome to the
Green Shots Award
The world is full of people with good ideas.
Some of these ideas are very simple and if they were applied in our daily lives, they could make our world more sustainable. Usually, people with environmentally friendly ideas don’t have a communication channel to share them with the rest of the world. That’s why the Green Shots Award has been created.
The Green Shots Award is an international contest for the creation and promotion of bottom-up innovative ideas on sustainable consumption in the Mediterranean Region. It aims to increase awareness on sustainability to the widest possible audience by selecting your best ideas, turning them into animated videos or Green Shots, and distributing the videos as broadly as possible.
The contest is open to everyone interested in making the world more sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert or not. So, no excuses ;-)… do your part and share your ideas on sustainable consumption!
The Green Shots Award is promoted by the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production