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Noticias de 2021

1 Abril 2021
Welcome to the Mediterranean Sustainability Award

SCP/RAC is launching the WeMed Award, a flagship initiative of the MSSD to promote an inclusive transition to sustainability in the Mediterranean and recognise success stories of sustainable businesses and public authorities supporting them.

30 Marzo 2021
Now available: TheSwitchers.org platform, an innovative and free tool to boost sustainable entrepreneurship

The digital platform enables interactions among the key players of the sustainable business ecosystem and gathers all methodologies and tools developed by SCP/RAC. It will be presented during a demonstration webinar to take place on the 28th of April. 


25 Marzo 2021
CapiMed-Islands project webinar: Capitalising BeMed initiatives to reduce plastic pollution in Mediterranean Islands

Bringing Mediterranean islands together to stop plastic pollution through the BeMed initiative is the title of the webinar to kick-off the CapiMed-Islands project, which took place last 25th March, during the Monaco Ocean Week.

18 Marzo 2021
We're looking for an expert in support to the development of current projects focusing on Marine Litter and plastic pollution prevention in the Mediterranean
The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is seeking an independent expert to support the development of current projects focusing on Marine Litter and plastic pollution prevention in the Mediterranean.
In particular, the expert will provide external support to SCP/RAC in the capitalization process of initiatives tackling plastic pollution in Mediterranean Islands.
The expert will also be involved in specific activities, led by SCP/RAC and aiming at providing policy support to Southern Mediterran
18 Marzo 2021
Webinar Announcement: Bringing Mediterranean islands together to stop plastic pollution through the BeMed initiative
  • Join the event to bring Mediterranean islands together to stop plastic pollution. SCP/RAC and SMILO implement a capitalization process for island-focused BeMed supported projects, and this webinar will serve to build bridges with related initiatives across the region.
Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)